Video preaching

Highway to Heaven

Scripture: 2 Peter 1:10-11

Sermon notes

There is a way of Christian living described in these verses. It is a life of knowing God and growing in grace. Cp v3-4.

Many Christians turn aside from such a life and pay a heavy price, v9. Here is a tragic picture! Their Christian path is one of self-inflicted difficulty and hardship. Pitiful spiritual poverty, disability and barrenness.

Peter is urging against such a barren, disabled Christian experience. Cp v12-13. He points to a better way


The word entrance relates to the ‘way into’. Here is a way or a path that leads to heavenly glory. It is described in wonderful terms. Every Christian is on that path but our experience of the way to Heaven is often not as Peter describes it here—that abundant way into….

  1. The way to the everlasting kingdom, v11. There is no question as to where this path is leading. It terminates in an eternal kingdom ruled by the Saviour. It is His kingdom and we will share in it. The destination of the Christian path is in view.
  2. We are dependent on Divine resources to progress in this path. See how Peter speaks of God ‘ministering’ to His people that which they need. He ‘supplies/furnishes’ the necessary resources. Cp v3—it is the power of God that provides and applies these graces. It is as we know God that we experience them. See also Rom 8:32, 2 Cor 3:5, Phil 4:19. This is true of all believers. We cannot proceed on this path to glory apart from the grace of God.
  3. There is an abundance possible to the Christian. There is a full, rich supply of grace available to enable our advance to Heaven. Cp all things, v3; abound, v8. See Ps 36:8, Eph 3:16-20. Here is a highway experience! Cp Ps 119:96, Is 35:8, 1John 2:10. The path to Heaven smoothed by the supply of abundant grace. Cp Never fall, v10. While the Christian path is always in one sense a narrow path, a path of testing and challenge; in another it can at the same time be a path of liberty, grace and rich experience of God’s grace.


A. Make your calling and election sure, v10.

  1. The reality of this doctrine. This doctrine plays an important role in easing our experience of the path to Heaven. It cannot be ignored without consequence in our Christian life. I need to know what Scripture teaches on this matter as it affects my experience of the road to Heaven. Cp 1 Pet 1:2, Rom 9:11-16.
  2. These are aspects of God’s work in salvation. It is He who calls and elects. Calling and election lie at the very foundation of our saving experience, the bedrock of our faith. In the word order there is a tracing of our experience of salvation back to the eternal counsels of God. Cp Eph 1:4-5. The experience of calling is the first conscious experience of saving grace.
  3. I may be absolutely sure of these things! The electing purpose of God is, in itself, sure and certain. Cp 2 Tim 2:19. He is speaking here of a personal subjective assurance of the certainty of salvation. Cp Heb 6:11, 19, 1 John 5:13. I must inquire into this matter! Cp 2 Cor 13:5.
  4. The evidence of election is the fruits of grace. Cp Col 3:12. The evidence of election is seen in the pursuit of the graces he lists in the passage. This is the evidence of election that I am looking for. Is the evidence present? There can be no abundant experience of the path to Heaven without knowing the evidence is present.

B. If ye do these things…

  1. The additions to faith listed in v5-7 are in view. N.b. the these things in v8. This is simply a description of growth in grace. Cp 3:18.
  2. Activity! These are things that are to be done—do… Here is the labour of the Christian life. We must give ourselves to doing the things required here. Our experience of the path to Heaven is affected by what we do. An abundant experience of the way to Heaven is the product of doing as we are commanded. Are you doing these things?
  3. Diligence, v10.Give diligence > speed, earnestness, a businesslike approach. There is to be methodical, systematic progress in these graces. These things are to have a priority.

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