Studies in First Thessalonians, Video preaching

Fruits of election, Pt6

Subject: Waiting for the return of Christ

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:10

 Sermon notes

They began to wait for Christ’s return, v10.

To wait is from the root meaning ‘to remain, abide’, John 15:4. It is an intensified form of the verb. This is a part of their gospel steadfastness in Christ. Same root as patience, v3. The word itself indicates an expectation with the suggestion of confidence and certainty. There is knowledge here that Christ is coming again. This has been the long view of God’s people since time immemorial. Cp Jude 14, Isaiah 25:8-9, Acts 3:21, 1 Corinthians 1:7, Philippians 3:20, Titus 2:13

  1. This is an expression of their worship of God. Recognizing Christ as the true God, 1 John 5:20. Their theology caused them to anticipate Jesus coming again. They were waiting as servants, v9. This is how God’s people are to wait for Christ! Not an idle, speculative existence. Cp Luke 12:36, 43, 19:13. ‘Waiters’ are not caught up in idolatrous apostasy especially in the last days.
  2. Connected to faith in the resurrection, v10. The coming again of Christ is built upon His resurrection—triumph over sin and death, Rom 4:25. It is the hope of the justified, the climax of redemption. The power of the resurrection is what will bring Christ back again, Eph 1:19-23. The expectation of these saints was to see Him again as a man—Jesus. The name of His humanity. Cp Acts 1:11.
  3. This was the mark of gospel gratitude. Recognizing Christ as Jesus, the Saviour who had saved them from wrath, they were anticipating the day that he would come. Cp Luke 12:36, 1Jn 3:2—a day of eager welcome and happy conformity to the glorious Saviour. Cp 2Thess 1:6-10. This is how those who know they deserve wrath and have been delivered from it, live! That day will not be a day of wrath for the righteous. It will be for the wicked. This was something that would have tied in to their evangelistic fervor, v6-7. They had a view of what the day of the Lord will mean for the wicked.
  4. This does not indicate they were expecting an any moment return. Compare 5:4, 2Thess 2:3-4. Cp Matt 25:19, Luke 19:11-12, 21:24-33. The electing purpose of God turns men’s eyes far into the future, indeed to eternity. Saving grace gives men an interest in Christ’s return and especially to prepare for that event. The second coming becomes a tangible, every day reality in the lives of the elect. Cp 2 Pet 1:10-11.

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