Acts of the Apostles, Video preaching

The end of Paul’s third missionary journey, Pt1

The final phase of the third missionary journey     Acts 20:1-16

The opening verse reminds us of the recent events in Ephesus that had threatened the welfare and safety of Paul and his companions. The city had been in an uproar. Yet the Lord had spared them to continue in their missionary endeavours.

Paul now enters the final phase of his third missionary journey. He is bound for Jerusalem and these verses describe the twists and turns of the final part of his travels. It is clear that the emphasis of Paul’s travels was the publication of the gospel of Christ.


Paul is set on making his way back to Jerusalem. The first stage of that journey is recorded in v1-6.

  1. Love, v1. He leaves Ephesus expressing his love for the brethren and they for him. Love ought to mark the fellowship of the saints! Even when hard things have to be done—like leaving them—Christian love should prevail. Cp 1Pet 1:22, 1Thess 3:12, 4:9-10.
  2. He departs for Macedonia, v1. Cp 19:21. Here he traverses the region and gives them much exhortation. This term is always a reminder of the work of the Comforter. Paul laboured in the Holy Spirit. His was not a meagre scanty ministry. It was marked by fulness—much exhortation. The emphasis of his ministry appears to have been the strengthening of the saints.
  3. Comes to Greece. Here he spends 3 months but his ministry is threatened by the opposition of Jews even as he is about to leave for Syria. This was the direct route home.
  4. A change of plans. These events prove to be a means of directing Paul in a different direction than he had intended. In every situation we must be ready to respond to Divine promptings and change plan if necessary.


  1. Gathering for worship on the first day of the week. Paul was present with them over the 7th day but it was on the first day that the congregation assembled for worship. This had already become their established mode of worship! This passage is a key argument for the Christian Sabbath. The fourth Commandment requires one day in seven to be kept holy as a day of worship. In the OT it was the last day of the week commemorating the finished work of creation. In the NT the first day of the week is the Sabbath commemorating the resurrection.
  2. The Lord’s supper, v7, 11. This is prominent in their worship. It was a primary purpose for their gathering together. They did observe the sacrament even though the timetable was hardly normal on this occasion!
  3. Preaching, v7. In NT worship the preaching of Apostolic truth was prominent. There was clearly an appetite for the word Paul preached as the meeting lasted all night on this occasion, v11.
  4. Tragedy and a miracle, v9-12. Human nature is unchanging. Spiritual activity is wearying and this young man succumbed to sleep. He paid a heavy price for it! Yet the harm was miraculously reversed! He was revived to continue in the remainder of the meeting!


  1. Time for haste, v16. There is a sense of haste in these verses. Paul is rushing to beat the calendar to be in Jerusalem by Pentecost.
  2. The course he adopts, v13. It is clear that Paul desired to maximize the impact of his preaching by his choice to walk to Assos. In this way, though in a hurry, he would have greater opportunity to preach than on a ship. It is clear in this choice that he did not consult his own comfort!
  3. Deliberate choice and decision. Cp v13, 16. He served God deliberately and with thought. His service was not haphazard or random.

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