Acts of the Apostles, Video preaching

The Bereans

After a short stay at Thessalonica Paul moves on 20-30 miles to Berea. His move is occasioned by the violent opposition to the gospel stirred up in Thessalonica. The real danger he and Silas faced can be seen in the need to escape under cover of darkness, v10.

Yet, the cause of Christ advances to new regions as a result. How often the gospel cause is actually furthered by the opposition of the devil!

In Berea they begin to preach again, following the same pattern as before, beginning at the synagogue in accord with the policy of to the Jew first.


  1. They received the word. They displayed a mind inclined to accept the word of God preached by Paul. This is how truth is to be received! Cp 1Tim 1:15—same root. The central message of Christ the Saviour makes the gospel a message worthy of welcome. A certain state of mind is indicated. They were eager, enthusiastic and disposed towards the word—looking at it from the perspective of their own need as sinners. How different the gospel appears from such a standpoint! In this can be detected the beginning of the work of saving grace.
  2. The scriptures become the standard of their thought. Their assessment of the preached word was based on the written word of God. Even Paul’s preaching was tested by the Scriptures. Constant, careful critical examination of the word of God shaped their estimate of what Paul preached. They welcomed that which was endorsed by Scripture.
  3. In this they displayed nobility of conduct. There is a contrast drawn between these men and those of the baser sort in Thessalonica. Contrary to modern thought, such an attitude to the Scriptures is evidence of a high and noble mind. It is elevating indeed for the mind of man to be occupied by the truth of God! It has such an effect even upon the unsaved. Anthropologists denigrate the missionary efforts of the Church in former times as being destructive/demeaning to culture of indigenous peoples. In reality it was an ennobling work! Cp 1Sam 2:8, Eph 2:5-6.



  1. Saving faith. This is the product of the word of God at work in the mind and heart. Cp Rom 10:17. The word of God, written and preached, is the means of spiritual life in the sinner.
  2. Not all, but many. All who believed displayed this attitude to the word, but not all who revered the word went on to believe. Here is an example of those warnings in Scripture that not all who show an initial interest in the things of God close with Christ in faith. A man may be not far from the kingdom of God and yet never actually enter that kingdom. He may tremble like Felix and yet never turn from sin. Have you such an attitude to God’s word? Has that developed into faith in Christ?


  1. An old familiar pattern. Opposition is stirred up as soon as the word begins to have an effect. The new believer is immediately a soldier and a target for the attack of the enemies of the gospel! Cp Luke 17:1, Jn 16:33
  2. These believers are ready to face that opposition on their own. It is to be noted that they take the initiative to send Paul away. They have a concern to preserve his ministry and even a desire to have others benefit from his preaching. They are evidently confident of having the resources necessary to continue. This is what the Scriptures in conjunction with their attitude to them produces—self-sufficient, stabilized saints! While Timothy and Silas remain for a little longer, they too are quickly removed. The Berean attitude to the Scriptures is vital to continuation in the faith. Cp Acts 20:32. It is all the more necessary that in these days we cultivate this attitude to the book. Cp Col 2:1-8.

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