Studies in Jeremiah, Video preaching

A word from God to five Gentile kingdoms

Jeremiah’s messages to the surround Gentile kingdoms continue in this chapter. Again, each of the messages is a prediction of judgement and in some cases restoration for a role in events at the end of the age.

The fact that this chapter contains multiple messages to various kingdoms is a reminder of the complexity of God’s purpose. He overrules in the interconnected affairs of the nations—all nations.


The territory of Ammon is in modern day Jordan. The capital city of that kingdom reflects this–Amman. This nation was, like Moab, descended from Lot.

  1. Domination. As the prophet speaks he references Ammon in a place of supremacy and power, v1, 2, 4. They had become heir to part of Israel’s territory and had occupied it.
  2. A time of ruin was coming, v2, 3, 5. It could not be prevented by her present prosperity! How quickly and thoroughly the affairs of men can change.
  3. Ammon’s ruin is connected to a time of renewed prosperity for Israel, v2. Cp Is 14:1-3.
  4. Ammon will feature in the last days, v6.


Edom was a ‘brother’ nation. Cp Rom 9:10-15.

  1. God was going to bring appointed judgement upon them. Cp v8, 12-13, 16.
  2. Man’s folly makes him fail to see this. Cp v7. Here was a people deluded and deceived by a sense of self-importance and grandeur. They felt secure and impregnable. The nature of Edom’s terrain encouraged this! Cp Obad 1:3.
  3. Edom faced a thorough stripping by God. Cp v9-10, 17-18, 21-22.


A short message.

  1. A striking picture, v23. The imagery of the ocean is employed here. Like the billows of the sea, wrath and judgement would deluge Damascus and there would be no rest as a consequence.
  2. The vigour and power of resistance would be removed. The young men of the nation and the soldiers of the army would not be able to stem the tide of punishment. All would become feeble and be overcome as if by labour pains.
  3. Ben-hadad. The reference here is to the dynasty name of the Syrian kings. It indicates the claim by the king to be the ‘son of Hadad’ – the Syrian deity. The national idolatry is in view! There was no power in their god nor in the king who claimed a ‘divine right’ to resist the purpose of God.


  1. Nomads. Kedar was a nomadic people. They faced being spoiled, v29.
  2. Hazor was going to flee. Though a wealthy, secure and strong people they would fall. Cp Josh 11:10. This nation was going to disappear, v33.
  3. Babylon. Cp v28, 30. The command of God, v31, directed the campaign of Nebuchadnezzar.


  1. An old word. Jeremiah ‘files’ an earlier message at this point in his narrative. Cp v34.
  2. Ruin predicted. Even before the Medes rose to prominence in their defeat of Babylon, God is calling for their ruin. How often the history of the short-term is seen to conflict with the long-term that God has already settled.
  3. The fall of Elam was to demonstrate the overruling power of God, v38. Their ruin would be an exhibition of my throne in Elam.
  4. Last days, v39. Elam will be one of the nations that will feature in the last days.

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