Video preaching

Preaching Christ alone

Sermon notes

Preaching Christ alone       1Cor 1:23-24

This year marks the 500th anniversary of Luther’s bold action against the apostasy and error of the church of Rome when he nailed up his 95 arguments against Papal indulgences. The whole Reformation movement rested on 5 great pillars of truth: Sola Scriptura; Sola fide; sola gratia; solus Christus; soli deo Gloria. Yet none of these were new constructions. Rather they were each the simple rediscovery of ancient truth. In NT terms it was the rediscovery of the teaching of the Apostles.

This text indicates how Paul was a preacher in this great reformed tradition! He is writing to a church fractured by childish division, v10-13. Here is the great unifying factor, maturing truth of the gospel: Christ alone. In all our consideration of the great men God has raised in His cause, we must never forget the centrality of Christ to that cause.


  1. This is the substance of the gospel. Cp v17-18. Gospel || the cross || crucified. The preaching of the atonement made by Christ in His sufferings on the cross is the gospel. Cp 2:2, 2Cor 4:5. Every part of the whole counsel of God comes back to this single theme. Cp 1Pet 1:10-11. This subject is a rich, inexhaustible theme sufficient to exercise the simple and the mature Christian, 2:1-2, 6-8.
  2. Determination. These words express Paul’s determination to be faithful to his heavenly calling, v17. He preached as he did in obedience to God! The content of preaching is dictated by God Himself. Such unwavering faithfulness will always be the object of resistance and attack and must therefore be doggedly maintained. Cp v22-23, 2Tim 4:2-5.
  3. Not just Paul, v23. Paul uses the pronoun we to indicate that this was not just his own peculiar practice but the common practice of the apostolic preachers he worked with, indeed of the true church of Christ. This is the ministry that the inspiring Spirit identifies Himself with.


His message was regarded as a ‘scandal’ by many. Particularly his Jewish audience felt this way. Several factors in this may be considered.

  • The nation of Israel had been misled in their expectations of Christ and so rejected Him because He did not meet those expectations. He was in their estimation a figure of failure and weakness.
  • No doubt they were also scandalized by necessary imputation of guilt. Cp Acts 5:28. If Jesus Christ is preached as He is revealed in the Scriptures then those who reject Him are guilty and will often be scandalized and stumble at that charge.
  • Specifically, v22, they looked for an exhibition of miracles rather than the preaching of a crucified Saviour with the implications of identifying with such an object of shame.

It was folly to those enamoured of human wisdom, v22. Pride in human reason, wisdom and philosophy causes many to reject Christ and the gospel. Multitudes dismiss the gospel as unscientific, beneath contempt for an educated mind. Such ‘wisdom’ is the mark of perishing fools from God’s perspective, v18-21. To remain faithful to the gospel we must be prepared for such opposition and contempt.

Regardless of their preferences Paul preached Christ. He was not swayed by the natural appetites and inclinations of his audience. He did not cater to the expressed preference of any man. Jew and Greeks/Gentiles include all men! Cp 1Thess 2:4, Gal 1:10.


  1. God honours the preaching of Christ. This is the message, the only message that God works through to the salvation of sinners. Cp v18. Through this word men experience the wisdom and power of God!
  2. The call of God. The effectual call of God is issued through the preaching of Christ. It is the direct, powerful, irresistible call of God. Cp Rom 8:28-30, 2Thess 2:13-14. What a change it produces! That which is folly is embraced as wisdom. That which was dismissed as weakness is recognized as power. Christ becomes the epitome of Divine wisdom and power. Cp 2Cor 5:16-17.
  3. Reason. Here is the single greatest reason to adhere to this model in preaching. This was Paul’s motivation to continue to resist the preferences of men and to present Christ crucified to them.

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