Studies in Jeremiah, Video preaching


Jeremiah 25:1-38

The date upon this chapter, v1, means that we are taking a step back about 7 years chronologically. Jehoiakim reigned 11 years before being replaced by his son who only reigned 3 months, and whose downfall is recorded, 24:1. While the time context is different, the message has very much the same theme. It develops the idea of the captivity to Babylon. Chapter 25 takes us back to the beginning of that experience and reminds us that as it developed, God had been speaking of it for a long time.



Cp v1-7.

The command of God, v1-2. This matter is spoken of because God commanded Jeremiah to speak about it. The prophet did no more than repeat the word of God on the subject. It is the purpose of God to remind men of the course of sin they have followed. His judgements are justified! Cp Ps 51:4.

Jeremiah’s own ministry, v3. He speaks from personal experience! For 23 years he had witnessed at first hand the sins that the Lord is speaking of.

A host of prophets, v4. For generations God had raised multitudes of men to preach in His name to no avail. Jeremiah’s own ministry was consistent with the historic precedent set by a long line of faithful men. Cp Deut 28:15, 45, 49, 63-65.

A simple, consistent message, v5-6. There had been no confusion or blurring of the issue though many men had a hand in the work. The message from Heaven was clear. Every one of those men had called for an immediate repentance in order to continue to enjoy the land. Yet it had been just as consistently rejected.

God Himself had been speaking, v7. Here is the sobering reality that men fail to see the importance of. Cp Luke 10:16.



Cp v8-14.

The long proclaimed message of ejection from the land is developed and more detail given now that the time of fulfillment has come.

Israel and the surrounding nations to be spoiled. Israel had become like the other nations and so now would suffer a like fate. Common punishment for common sin!

Description of the misery that lay ahead, v9-11.

Nebuchadnezzar a servant, v9. God was master of the whole business. The Lord had raised Nebuchadnezzar to sudden prominence and now at the beginning of his reign, he was being handed these nations to deal with. Beyond the politics and military tactics, God was at work. Cp Is 10:15—Sennacherib/Antichrist.

A definite limitation, v11-14.

The lifespan of Babylon’s empire is determined from its commencement! At the end of this 70 year period the great kingdom set up by Nebuchadnezzar would fall to others. God would step in to punish Babylon. As we shall see, this destruction is seen to be partly accomplished after 70 years, and finally at the end of the age.

Jeremiah’s words indicate this to be the limitation on Israel’s captivity too, v11. This 70 year period began at this point and captivity developed in various phases until Jerusalem fell about 20 years from this point in the 11th year of Zedekiah.

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