Video preaching

Three great truths declared by the resurrection


Three great truths declared by the resurrection    Romans 1:4

The resurrection was an event that at the time made a dramatic announcement. It affected all who heard of it. Shockwaves went through the echelons of religious and secular government.

The resurrection continues to ‘speak’. It declares and confirms the revelation of Christ and His gospel. As Paul introduces this great doctrinal epistle, he speaks briefly of what the gospel is, and specially of the fact that it centres on the person and work of Jesus Christ. This message that was revealed by the prophets, in the scriptures, and now declared by the apostles is validated and warrantied by the resurrection.


  1. His humanity. The resurrection certainly focuses on the humanity of Christ. Cp v3. It is His physical body and physical life that comes into prominence in that event.
  2. His deity. Yet the truth of His deity is also asserted. He is God manifested in flesh. Cp 1 Tim 3:16. Cp Acts 13:33, Ps 2:7, Heb 1:5.
  3. Beyond doubt. Declared has the idea of drawing a line, making an authoritative pronouncement that settles the dispute. This truth seemed to have been contradicted by His sufferings and death, Matt 27:43. Men continue to refuse this great truth.


The resurrection is a display of various aspects of the power of Christ. Several are highlighted here.

  1. The power of God. Cp Eph 1:19, Jn 10:18. This power is administered by the Saviour. Again, there is an underlining of the fact of His deity.
  2. Power to save those dead in sin. It is His gospel power that is specially on view here. He who rose from the dead can save sinners. Cp v16.
  3. Power to constrain men to submit and serve Him, v5. This is seen in the lives of the Apostles and in bring sinners to obedience.


  1. A further reference to His deity. This expression does not refer to the Holy Spirit. Rather, the expression is the counterpart of according to the flesh, v3. It is therefore another reference to what He is as the Son of God. He was not merely flesh and blood as a natural descendent of David. He had a higher nature. It is in keeping with His deity, another declaration of His deity that He rose again.
  2. The resurrection underscores the holy purity of the Saviour. He was made in the likeness of sinful flesh, Rom 8:3. He was made sin for us, 2Cor 5:21. Yet He is vindicated by His resurrection as being the pure, sinless Son of God. The mere fact that He triumphs over death is proof that He is without sin, Heb 9:28. The sinless purity of God Himself is seen in the risen Christ. On no other basis could He rise and ascend to the throne of God. Cp Rom 6:10—His resurrection life is a living for and to God. The argument of the Apostle is simply that this is the model of the Christian life.



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