Behold my servant, Video preaching

Christ’s teaching on marriage and divorce

Scripture: Mark 10:1-12

Sermon notes 

Behold my servant: #49—Marriage and divorce          Mark 10:1-12

The Saviour’s teaching ministry continues in these verses. The language of v1 indicates the habitual practice of the Saviour.

Further, it shows that there was an appetite among the people for His preaching. The regular pattern was that the people resorted to hear Him. Again and again they gathered.

The subject on hand on this occasion is raised by the Pharisees. The Saviour takes up the difficult matter of marriage and divorce. The discussion of the matter is limited in scope here.


  1. The question asked. The Savior is tasked with this question by His enemies. It is their determination to tempt Him, v2. They determined to entrap Him in His words and induce Him to speak foolishly. In this way they could criticize and condemn Him. Sometimes such questions are raised with such an aim in view!
  2. Important. The question must be seen to be an important one because of the fact that it addresses the fundamental relationship in society. It is important to get the Saviour’s answer to this because of the evident diversity of opinion on the matter. It is a difficult issue. Its importance may be gauged from the fact that though the questioners were motivated by an evil desire He did answer the question.
  3. The Saviour gives a clear response. He answers with reference to the word and work of God. It is easy to get caught up in such discussions with all the human dimensions to the debate. Yet the Saviour gives clear guidance, Divinely planted markers that guide any discussion of the subject must be considered.


Part of the answer the Saviour gave is drawn from the Mosaic law.

  1. The word of God. The Saviour directs His hearers to begin by considering the provisions the law of Moses made. He directs them to the teaching of Deut 24:1-4. These are the inspired words of God, not merely those of Moses. They reveal a provision God gave to Israel to allow for divorce. The striking thing about this provision is that it was a sufferance of divorce. Divorce was not mandated/required; it was tolerated rather than approved. The final words of the OT on the subject indicate the underlying disapproval of God, Mal 2:14-16.
  2. The bill of divorcement. This was a legal protection introduced by God in Israel for the case where a woman was being sent away by her husband. She was not guilty of adultery, the penalty of which was death under Levitical law, 20:10. However, serious and objectionable behaviours are in view in the word uncleanness, Deut 24:1. Such a divorced woman could marry again but could never return to her previous husband once she had been married to another.
  3. Reason. The bill of divorcement was introduced to Israel because of the hardness of the hearts of men. It is interesting to see that the Saviour concludes this aspect of His answer with a reference to sin. That is the function of the law of God—to expose the working of sin in the human heart.


The Saviour emphasizes the importance of the original created order and insists on its abiding significance. Even the temporary legislation in place for Israel did not abrogate the law of creation in this area.

The Saviour now indicates the nature of the law of marriage/divorce in His Kingdom. The teaching of Christ, here and elsewhere, makes two dramatic changes to the legislation of the OT.

  1. The penalty of adultery is no longer death but divorce is allowed.
  2. Adultery is the only, defined reason as the basis of any Biblical divorce. Cp Matt 5:31-32, 19:9. Paul’s words in 1Cor 7:12-15 include the concept of abandonment by a spouse. Nor is this unreasonable since abandonment of one is normally associated with adultery with another.
  1. Male and female. The distinction of the sexes is established as a key part of this discussion. This basic principle is much under attack today.
  2. Marriage defined, v7-9. It is the joining of one man and one woman in a natural (v8) and spiritual (v9) union. The duties and responsibilities to God in marriage have been lost sight of today. Marriage as an institution is degraded on every hand.
  3. Man is not to devise means to break marriages, v9. Men are not to study means of breaking up marriages. God has provided the only means to break the bond.
  4. Unbiblical divorce proliferates sin, v10-12. Further conversation between the Saviour and His disciples results in the information recorded, v11-12. Here is a basic statement of the consequences of improper divorce. The only way to avoid culpability in this matter is to act according to the exception clause, Matt 19:9.

What confusion and wickedness reigns in society and even among God’s people today in this matter.

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