Studies in Second Thessalonians, Video preaching

Stabilizing truth Pt3

Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14

Sermon notes 

Stabilizing truth for the last days, Pt3            2Thess 2:13-17

Paul is writing to bring stability back to the spiritual experience of these saints who have been disturbed by erroneous views of Christ’s return. We have already considered vital aspects of that truth: God has determined a timeline climaxing in the return of Christ; and that He is in full control of the development of the apostasy that precedes that return.

Now he adds a further dimension to his message that is designed to stabilize these troubled and fearful believers. They are in the hand of God!


Repeatedly, Paul is underscoring that the foundation of the Christian life is the work of Divine grace. It does not rest in the fallible, crumbling basis of myself or my work. Nothing less that a Divine salvation can withstand the pressures of the last days!

1. The choice of eternal love, v13. The sovereign choice of God is asserted here. It was made before time. It is interesting to observe that the sovereign power that is at work till the end is the same as has been at work in grace from the beginning! Cp Eph 1:4, Rom 9:16, 1Peter 1:2, John 1:12-13. The motivation of that choice is love—beloved of the Lord.

2. The work of the Spirit. The sovereign, saving choice of God that underlies the experience of redemption is administered through the sanctifying influence of the Holy Spirit. The work in view here is the Spirit:

separating sinners to holiness in the new birth.

Producing faith within them.

3. The call of God through the gospel. God employs means by which He carries through His sovereign purpose. Cp 1Cor 1:21.

4. The secure hope of glory. This is very clearly seen in two expressions: chosen…to salvation; and called…to the obtaining of the glory… This is what salvation ultimately is—the joint experience with Christ of His future glory. This is what God’s choice terminates in and accomplishes.

5. Stability and joy is the fruit of this doctrine. There is constant reason/obligation to give thanks/worship God. Joy and worship is based on that which is outside of myself.

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