Scripture: Isaiah 50:5-9 Sermon notes Views of a wounded Saviour: #2—The suffering servant The doctrine of the pre-existence of Christ is a vital truth. He did not have His beginning in Bethlehem, but as the eternal Son of God, from all eternity has lived and acted as the Redeemer of […]
Video preaching
Stirring up the people
Scripture: Joshua 1:10-18 Sermon notes Studies in Joshua: #4—Stirring up the people Joshua emerges from the presence of God to speak to the people. This is the real purpose for God meeting with and speaking to Joshua on this occasion. He is prepared by this personal encounter with God to […]
Comfort in a day of trouble
Scripture: Psalm 138:7-8 Sermon notes We all have had cause to consider things that were never finished. Projects that were started but never completed. We have all seen pictures of grand construction projects abandoned; desolate ghost towns; unfinished homes, etc. Things changed, something happened—unexpected perhaps—and the project could not continue. […]
What are these wounds in Thy hands?
Scripture: Zechariah 13:6-7 Sermon notes Views of a wounded Saviour: What are these wounds…? These chapters detail events surrounding the return of the Lord Jesus and how that event will specifically affect the remnant in the nation of Israel that He purposes to save. The interaction between the Saviour and […]
A rich experience of God
Scripture: Psalm 63:5-6 Sermon notes The experience of which the Psalmist speaks is too little enjoyed by God’s people generally. Surely if we are honest we cannot speak very much like this of God. We are conscious of an emptiness rather than a fullness; a hunger rather than a sense […]
The Bible as the Christian’s food
Scripture:Jeremiah 15:16 Sermon notes Occasionally in Jeremiah’s ministry we can read the signs of a man under immense pressure. The evidence of severe stress, weariness and weakness show through. He comes to a point of spiritual collapse! He is in such a condition at this point. In prayer he follows […]