Video preaching

Video preaching

A Divine rebuke of self-interest

Scripture: Jeremiah 45:1-5 [toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”] Sermon notes This chapter contains a personal message from God to Baruch in which He both rebukes and encourages His servant. How tender the Lord is to such! Baruch had acted as Jeremiah’s […]

Video preaching

True vs. False worship

Scripture: Matthew 4:8-11 Sermon notes This text records one of the three specific instances of temptation that the Saviour faced at the hands of the devil. In Luke’s account the order in which these temptations are recorded is slightly different. As the great representative of His people, Christ submits to […]

Video preaching

The root of folly exposed

Scripture: Matthew 16:13-28 Sermon notes This passage evidences the struggle between wisdom and folly in the Christian life. It is the battle between the flesh and the spirit that every true Christian knows. How quickly radical spiritual change can come. Likely within a matter of only minutes Peter abandons the […]

Studies in Joshua Video preaching

Well done!

Scripture: Joshua 22:1-9 Sermon notes Studies in Joshua #31 The events recorded here occur when the land has been conquered and the tribes have been allocated their inheritances. A number of years have passed since their entrance to Canaan. The tribes which had inherited on the other side of Jordan […]